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Customer Service for Parents/Participants

Call: 866.543.9625




Group Leaders Looking For A Tour Quote

Click to Get a Free Tour Quote

Call: 832.762.4695



Frequently Asked Questions

How do we sign up for the tour?

There are many ways to sign up and pay:

  1. Online Click here
  2. Mail or Fax by and sending to:

School Tours of America Registration

PO Box 550379

Houston, TX 77255-0379

Is it too late to register? I missed the deadline.

It is not too late to register.  The registration deadline is flexible.  Space is available to join the trip.

Can I go as a chaperone?

Chaperones are determined by the teacher in charge of the trip.

What are the payment options?

Upon receipt of the initial registration form, we will offer you our optional partial payment coupons. You may make partial payments or wait for the final invoice reflecting the payment history and the attached final coupon. The partial payments are not mandatory and we have no late fees. There is a $6.00 handling fee for each partial payment made.  Approximately three weeks before the final payment date you will receive your final statement. 

What is your cancellation policy?

In the event you or your child must cancel and you are not in our Payment Protection Program, charges are associated with the cancellation.  These charges vary and are based on the date School Tours of America receives the cancellation notice and the departure date of the trip.    Please see our Terms & Conditions for the cancellation fees associated with the trip.  All cancellations must be submitted in writing, via mail, email or you may fax it.

How do I cancel from the trip?

Cancellation from a trip must be in writing.  You may cancel via mail or email to: or   Your name or your child’s name will be removed from the active trip roster.   The refund process begins upon receipt of a cancellation request.  This process takes approximately 4-6 weeks.

Do you offer a Payment Protection Program in the event we must cancel?

Yes. Due to the lengthy planning and payment period prior to the actual tour, the possibility of having to cancel can be high. Our PPP protects your investment from the moment you register until the date of departure. For pricing information and a list of excludable expenses please see details in the School Tours of America Terms & Conditions.

Under this program, a registrant receives a full refund of all trip price payments. You will avoid all cancellation fees associated with the trip in the event cancellation occurs. This program guarantees a registrant’s transportation home if a personal emergency requires an early departure. The Payment Protection Program fee is non-refundable. 

Can I extend my trip and return at a later date?

Group ticketing is done on a group level.  No deviations from the assigned flight schedules are allowed.  We do offer a land only package.  This package is the ground portion of the trip.  You will be responsible for booking your own flight schedule and meeting up with the group.  Please call customer service, 1.866.543.9625 for a land only price. 

Do you offer scholarships?

Please see available scholarships here. Many of the scholarships must be initiated by the group leader or teacher.  We offer the gift of education envelopes that may be sent to family, friends or businesses wanting to make a trip donation.   Please contact customer service at 1.866.543.9625 or email,  if you wish to receive these envelopes. 

Will my child need a lot of extra money?

The trip price is an all- inclusive trip (Baggage fees may be charged by the airline).  You may send your child with the recommend $25.00 a day for souvenirs, snacks or cold drinks. 

What type of clothing should my child pack?

Please consider the time of year that the trip departs and consult the weather forecast for your dates of travel.   Comfortable clothes and shoes are a must.  Please click here for packing suggestions.

How can I reach my child in the event of an emergency?

While you should be able to reach your child’s teachers and chaperones directly by their cell phones, School Tours of America maintains 24-hour emergency access to your child through our Tour Central Offices and through our Emergency Call Center number which is given to all parents and students prior to departure.

Our tour emergency number is: 1.866.491.1543

Additional Questions?

Speak with a customer service agent directly by calling 1.866.543.9625

Or Email your Question to:

Accounting issues:   

General questions: